Tuesday, February 27, 2024



‘Sit down,’ I say, ‘sit down and think about it.’

‘About what?’ 



There was a time you look back and think, "Yep, that was perfect."

And it was! And you know it.


There was that moment when you said to yourself, "Oh my god, 

the street I live on should be named after me! I can’t believe I did it."

 There was a day when you saw her making the right decisions without you,

and you were sad and happy about it. Mostly, you were proud.


There was a night when being the night itself was just another dream.

It was what it was. It is, what it is.


There was a whole year when you thought you lost the will to live,

but you made it through and lived anyway.


There was an afternoon when you asked for what you wanted with no agenda, 

and it was given to you. 


The timeline is a jump rope. 

Jump, jump, jump.


Nobody is really watching. They might be curious, you might want— not 

so much to be accepted, but to be seen, understood, acknowledged. Forget 

it. As long as you’re jumping.


Did the world skip rope a year and tripped over checks and balances, data, and facts? 


True Zen. I mean, in this world, in this cocoon of a home, 

in this body, in these cells, inside this mind, there are question marks, laughing monkeys 

and sad ones, a few terrified ones that keep pulling the tails of the others, 

but the others choose not to give them the time of day. 


It makes sense.

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