Sunday, August 19, 2012


“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
                                            ---George Carlin

Leather sandals, plastic heels, flip-flops,
sneakers, boots and beads and tassels 
tagging along the used-to-be Third World sidewalk.
Vehicle mountains racing a beggar's footsteps
who wears the same coat every day
until it rots off his shoulders
and longer.
On the other side
here comes New-Age bullshit where
Authentic-my-Ass robes cover up
forgotten hygiene,
preaching love and peace.

Acceptance leaves me alone
with a cup of decaf
noticing there are no rainbows in
the grey sky, yet butterflies
don't seem to mind
mating on random petals
of short-lived joy.

Cheers to a long life ahead!
Cheers to our flaws and call it

Cheers to growth — because surely
Cannabis wanted to become
an excuse for happiness
for the Holy-Grailing End-of-The-Rainbow seekers.

Cars and people keep passing,
food's being served.
We eat, we talk
we fuck life's muse in a labyrinth
with no second-floor access.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Phoenix Street

‘Hey. What you're doing? Hey!’

   - I am in construction.
I renovate.
I am fixing the cracks.

   - This sidewalk was perfect
before you came here
with your pretty ideas!
I used to be able to walk home
following the
familiar cracks you
call ‘imperfections’.
Imperfections guide me ...
the safe knowing of
where I am at.

   - Look at the trees, Lady,
look around you,
follow the fences,
the gardens instead!

   - It's all subject to change!
The next thing I know
the trees will be cut.
I like them ...when
dressed in white winter.
I will remember them.
I will remember the sidewalk,
and will be missing
the cracks.
With my eyes closed

    - in here -

everything remains
yet nothing exists.
I feel
My words are
My steps
are light.
I feel full
of Nothingness.

   - I am in construction.
I build visible things.
I build the sidewalk.
I make it smooth
with my tools.
For Everybody to
move safely.

    - I am reconstructing.
From Nothing.
Fences and gardens
behind fences
don't interest me
to follow.
I don't care for new roads.
Why doesn't anyone
build one road that
leads ...


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cafe Human

A man just walked in.
His eyes hardened.
A guitar gets tuned.

A man with no arms.
Shoulder to shoulder-
we shake hands.

A girl
armed with a golden chain
pays for the drinks
for her man.

Believe in everything.
Believe in nothing.
Believe in believing.

A lobbyist has no tears in public.
A tram driver follows the tracks.
Don’t carry bombs in your pocket:
Premature detonation is a risk.

Gotta love the love. 

There is this very moment.

Fucking panic attacks.

Someone else
having the same dream
somewhere else.

The universe
will take care of it—

Tears are salty.
Honey is sweet.
Aspirations are
a breath of yesterday
today's oxygen.

Keep moving
like quicksand
like rivers
like seasons.

Today’s Special:


Drink your coffee
The way you like it.

We Deserve Each Other.